alex & gail’s family photos // seattle, wa
Alex & I have the same birthday month, so with that & with having one of the most loving & beautiful moms of all time, he is one very lucky boy.
I have the most wonderful job where I get to watch kids grow, and watch families love on each other. Every family I photograph, I love dearly, but some have stories that are even more special to me… Alex & his mom Gail are one of them. Gail is an incredible mother who is raising Alex with both humor & humility. Her soft carribean accent makes me wish I got to sit in on their nightly lullabies & storytelling, and the way they make each other laugh makes me fall even more in love with them each time I see them.
When I think of them, I’m reminded of how much I loved & now miss being a mom to a small child… the adventure of it all, the pure exhaustion & pure joy every single day, and the constant holding hands & human touch that ends up a mere memory as they grow older. I photograph families for many reasons, but just at this moment I’m realizing that it’s very possible that I love it so much because it’s such easy access to relive the memories of what once was.
Anyway! Go hug your children, my friends… whether young or old, remember that this day will literally only last for one day, and you won’t want to let it pass without relishing in the beauty of it.
Catherine, I am honored by your words. We love working with you and you capture us so well.