carlyle family photos // seattle, wa

This is Eli’s world. Or this is what Eli’s world looked like until about any minute now, when he & his family will be welcoming a new brother into the world.

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Which makes these photos sort of a relic of a time when Eli had his mom & dad all to himself, in a world of three… very soon he will not even remember that there was a world outside of the one that they are about to embark on, where all the love that they have for each other is split up into four equal parts. I love that thought… it makes me think of my oldest brother, who was once an only child but later was one child in a family of five children, and I wonder if he remembers that there was a time where he alone was the love of my parents lives. I hope that when Eli looks at these photos throughout his life, that over the years they turn into one of those memories that aren’t actually memories (you know those kind?!), where he thinks he really can remember & feel like what it was to be the connecting link in a hand-holding party of three… I hope he remembers the way his dad looked at him & his mom and could see nothing else, and fondly remembers when he used to run into the protective & loving arms of his mom and hug her until sunset.

Thank you Angela & Evan for trusting me to photograph the world of Eli… congratulations to you for having such a loving boy, who will very soon be a very loving brother.

{originally posted at CALIMA Portraits}