case family photos // poulsbo, wa
Two things I would love for you to do in conjunction to looking at this post: firstly, please visit this family’s photos from two years ago, when they were newly a family of only three; and secondly, you must see this comparison I posted on my facebook page with photos of Quinleigh “then & now.” I mean, I know that I am more emotionally attached to this family & these photos than you might be, but I think anyone can appreciate taking pause to awe at the beauty of life & growth, and the wonder of children changing from helpless, tiny babies to talking, laughing, creative, curious, loving little creatures. It’s truly, truly amazing.
I am so very lucky to get to do what I love. I know I say it all the time, but I sincerely mean it every time. I feel beyond humbled & grateful to have couples & families who trust me to come into their lives & tangibly capture their memories for them. I was lucky to have a father who took thousands of beautiful photos of us kids growing up, and I guess I just really feel like it’s my mission in life to see other people have that same lovely privilege. I recently explained to a potential client the benefit of what can definitely be considered an investment, but I honestly believe in this investment more than almost anything else we spend our money on. Yes, we have our living memory, but when there comes a time in our lives that seeing someone’s face next to yours or reliving the way you used to touch or the way their hands & feet looked at one time in your lives or the way they used to look at you & only you might serve you better than your actual memory… that’s when I know that this is an investment that you could never regret. As a mom of a child who is closer to the age of being in college than she is to the age of being in middle school, I stand behind this wholeheartedly. And also as a daughter who is lucky enough to have a treasure trove of memories available to me every time I go home… of my birth, of my days growing up on Hawaii, and of things that I couldn’t have remembered on my own.
Of course I would believe in the value of investing in family photography. Of course. I get that this could be coming off as a sales pitch like, yeah hire me to document your family!!! But mostly I’m just feeling really thankful, and this is a huge thanks to my family that has given me so many memories, both the ones that I remember & the ones that are on print, and also a huge thanks to my families who allow me into their world of memories, to make those memories into something they can hold in their hands & share together for years & even generations to come.
Thank you.
{originally posted at CALIMA Portraits}