herrera family photos // bremerton, wa
Moon in all your splendor, known only to my heart,
Call back my rose, rose of San Antone.
Lips so sweet and tender, like petals falling apart,
Speak once again of my love, my own.
-Bob Wills
I’m so happy to introduce lovely Little Miss Sailor Mae, the unexpected addition to one of the loveliest families I have the pleasure of knowing. Mike & I grew up in the same small town of Bremerton, but ironically I didn’t get to know him or Holli until I’d already moved away to Seattle… but that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to. If we talk about them, my husband always describes Holli this way, “She is like, the kindest person you could ever meet;” and I describer her this way, “She’s like a Texas Rose.” I don’t even know what that means, but it just seems to fit. They are the type of family who have impecable style, a modern-day grace about them that is a throwback to days of old, and a love & loyalty for each other that’s as fierce as it is tender. I’m so happy to know these two, and their heartbreaker Hank… and now so thrilled to know Sailor Mae. You guys finally found each other, and somehow the world just feels that much sweeter…
{originally posted in CALIMA Portraits}