jenn’s pregnancy photos // seattle, wa
When I found out that I was pregnant, of course I wanted to tell the whole world! But with my age & with us not really knowing if I was high-risk or not, we waited out the recommended first trimester before telling most people. However, as many of you parents out there know, it’s nearly impossible to keep it from your family & close friends, because at a certain point in your conversations your secret actually feels like a lie! Like, you can’t really talk about any of your future plans, both short term & long term, without also speaking of the baby… so with my pregnancy, before I knew it, I was either full out lying to people or, as in most cases, just spilling the beans!
I have this small group of three girlfriends who I meet up with about once a month for brunch, and also we have an outrageous group text feed going on everyday (wish I could share! can’t!)… and back when I was only maybe five or six weeks pregnant, we were scheduled to have our monthly brunch together. IF I would’ve been able to not tell them the news, that would’ve been the biggest miracle known to man; instead, of course, I told them all right away… I’m pregnant!!! We all started crying, and then my friend Jenn said, “I can’t hold it in any longer! I’m pregnant too!!!!!” And we were all screaming & crying & laughing, and Nicole, amidst tears, yelled, “What the F*CK is going on?!” It was awesome, and I’ll never forget that morning together.
Anyway, fast forward a few months, and Julie & I teamed up together to photograph Jenn in all of her pregnant glory. Isn’t she beautiful?
Jenn is just a few weeks ahead of me, and at this time is due any moment. So as I type this, I am secretly hoping that I’ll post this blog & then get a text saying that she’s heading to the hospital… I suppose this is my written request to the universe and encouragement to her baby boy for a safe journey to the outside. I have one other very close friend who was also pregnant at the same time (she had hers early & I’ll be posting his first photos very soon!), and it’s been wonderful having this small community of glowing mamas to share this experience with. We are all at different stages in our lives, we’ve all had different hopes & fears during our pregnancies, and we’ve all gone about this stage in our lives in a different manner… yet we’ve all had the same “need” for each other. Such is the beauty of motherhood, this big little club that so many of us have joined. Your learn from it, you grow from it, and ultimately you need the others who are in it with you.
Officially, Congratulations Jenn… on starting this journey, and being just so beautiful doing so. I can’t wait for our bellies to shrink back to normal sized, non-alien bellies, and for our normal girl talks to return back to subjects other than vaccinations, breast pumps and fat vaginas… and most of all, for our boys to grow up & pal around together. We’ve got this.