laura & sahala’s wedding // mountain springs lodge // leavenworth, wa
Happy 2nd Anniversary to these guys! As I’m sitting here in the very warm sun about to blog this wedding, I can’t help but look back with fondness on what was the exact opposite weather on this day two years ago! Oh, Washington.
Laura & Sahala, I’m assuming, chose Mountain Springs Lodge for its open fields of vast beauty, cradled by birch forests, and surrounded by the Cascades… and instead what they got was a very dark & dreary day, with record breaking rains that had northwesterners all the way down to Portland scrambling for safety zones. It was a nuts weekend!!!
But nothing stopped them. I heard one of their friends joke about this being an REI-sponsored wedding, as the dance floor was very quickly filled with puffy coats & gortex goods to replace any wedding outfits anyone may have originally hoped to party in… and as the skies opened & the storms continued to bless this wedding, the thought never even seemed to occur to possibly shut this celebration down.
Every wedding is different and the personal touches that everyone puts into theirs are always so special, and Laura & Sahala’s personal touches were how they honored their families & their respective heritages. Immediately after they were married, they performed their first “marriage task” as is German custom, by sawing a giant piece of wood together… it was a hoot, and everyone was so into it! They then were sat down to be blanketed with layers & layers of horas to honor Indonesian custom to signify warmth & togetherness. It was such a beautiful gesture… and another beautiful & outrageously fun gesture was when Laura & her dad served up Chicago-style hotdogs as only “Chicagoans can do!” to everyone at the wedding. So fun!
As the wedding itself died down, the party got even more outrageous with everyone staying onsite. Michael & I were welcomed wholeheartedly to party along, and indulged in late night karaoke & drunken hottubbing, and the next day as we were doing our own little squinty-eyed walk of shame out of there, wouldn’t you know it, the sun shone bright, and all anyone could do was laugh at it all.
Love. Rain. Blessings. Family. Partying. Karaoke. Hottubs. More Love.
Note to self: seek out weddings with all of the above.