Remy’s First Baby Photos // Seattle, WA
Remy came into this world like a little quiet surprise… three weeks early, and with no more trouble to his mama than was needed. He is the son of our dear friends Brad & Sheena, who traveled the world in their VW Vanagon named Nacho for almost three years before they serendipitously settled down in our neighborhood, and we became fast friends. Exactly four weeks before we found out that we were pregnant with our son, they also found out they were pregnant with theirs… so we’ve been lucky enough to go through our pregnancies together, and experience all the beauties of it all & the uglies too.
Brad & Sheena are some of the most laid-back people that we’ve ever met, so the way that Remy came into the world is just about perfect. We went away for our annual Descend On Bend weekend in Oregon, and they decided not to go… and at one point while on the road, we got just an inkling of service and a text lit up our phones, “The baby decided to come early! Delivered this am at 12:06 at 7.8 pounds! Eeeee!! So happy! :)” And Michael & I just started screaming, and of course I started crying! We couldn’t believe it!!! We soon found out that they had a wonderful labor & birth experience, walking to the hospital to find out that Sheena was 8cm and pretty ready to deliver… and due to some unforeseen circumstances, Remy was delivered by a nurse because all the doctors were busy. This all seems fitting for them, because since they’ve roamed this earth so vastly, Brad often “joked” that they didn’t need all of this western hoopla to have a baby, and it turned out he was right! Go figure!
Within hours of finding out that Remy had been born, Michael went to the first pharmacy we saw on the road to get his Tdap vaccination so that he could for sure see that baby when we got back to Seattle. And as soon as we could, we prepared a dinner for them & headed straight to meet this little guy. Oh, what wonder! To be 8 months pregnant and to be able to hold a baby who is roughly the size as the mysterious baby that I’m carrying in my belly, and who is all curled up just as mine is, is a wonderful gift. It’s been an amazing way for me to bond with my own child, by getting a live preview of what’s very soon to come.
So here are some of Remy’s very first photos from when he was just one week old; and today he turns one month old!
Congratulations again to you two, Brad & Sheena… we couldn’t be happier to be going through this time in our lives with you! And Remy, we can’t wait to bring your best friend into this world, and to watch you two be adventure buddies together!!!
{you can read about Brad & Sheena’s incredible journey that brought them to good ol’ Ballard, by visiting their blog at Drive Nacho Drive}