tek’s birth story // seattle, wa
This is Tek. Named for Element 43, Technetium.
And this is Tek’s story…
When Tek’s parents asked me to photograph their growth as a newlywed couple into that of a new family, I just couldn’t resist. I had the pleasure of getting to know them through the months leading up to his birth, I got to spend a long 18+ hours with them as they prepared to welcome him into this world, and I was purely delighted to meet him all over again at a mere 8 days old. I wish I could properly relate to you how incredible it is to see a couple of people go from kind of young, naive & wide-eyed with wonder, and see them transition to suddenly experienced parents, a bit tired, but still wide-eyed with wonder at what they’ve made. And it’s truly amazing to think that–just like all animals in this great kingdom–we really don’t need manuals to know how to be parents! They really do come into this world, and though we may not know everything, we suddenly know how to love unconditionally & care for someone without hesitation. It’s beyond humbling. Congratulations to Tek & his parents for finding each other… he is perfect in every way, and I’m so happy & feel so insanely lucky to have shared this time in their lives.
If you’d like to have me document the growth of your family–be it as a birth story or as a family through the years–email me at hello@catherineabegg.com.
{originally posted at CALIMA Portraits}