valentino’s first family photos // los angeles, california
val·en·ti·no: /ˌvalənˈtēnō/: brave, healthy, strong.
This is Baby Valentino, the boy who completed the home of Eileen & Roz. He lives in a warm nest of a world oozing with infinite sunshine, art, culture, magic, creativity, adoration & love… like, literally.
I was so lucky to meet Eileen & Roz & Valentino in their home in the Silverlake neighborhood of Los Angeles, after an ongoing internet affair that had gone on for far too long. The internet can be a scary place, but it has brought me so many people that I love & admire, and some of my best friendships… and it brought me to this family. Eileen is a photographer as well; our mutual love of film was our first common ground, but walking into their love nest & sharing breakfast & photos & stories with them was like rendezvousing with an old friend. I am beyond thrilled that after years & years together, they’ve finally been able to welcome Valentino into their world. If there is nothing more sustaining & unconditional than a mother’s love, than this little man is most certainly lucky in love to have this times two. Times two million… times infinite times forever.
Congratulations, much love to you… and cheers to family & forever friends.
{originally posted at CALIMA Portraits}