Category: Featured-Personal

ferris farm, upstate new york // abegg adventures on film

Today I’m sharing photos from our last visit to upstate New York, to a place our family lovingly refers to as “The Farm;” because tomorrow, after four long years, Hachi and I are finally going back. My family history is one of so many nuances–distances, diseases, diaspora, divorce–but I have also known many good fortunes […]


real life stories // abegg adventures on film

Last summer, on some otherwise unexciting day, I realized that I had posted just a million photos and videos to my insta-stories… and I’m one of those weirdos who is as addicted to instagram as I am adamant to be mindful of my phone use, so I saw this as a big red flag in my […]


the sand dunes // moses lake, washington // abegg adventures on film

I’m going to post these photos from a trip we took over a year ago… because this trip was worth remembering, but also because not long after this, we moved from our precious van home into our literal house home in Olympia. You’d think that this kind of trip would make one never ever ever […]

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