Category: Personal

the sand dunes // moses lake, washington // abegg adventures on film

I’m going to post these photos from a trip we took over a year ago… because this trip was worth remembering, but also because not long after this, we moved from our precious van home into our literal house home in Olympia. You’d think that this kind of trip would make one never ever ever […]


uncle jimmy // nashville, tennessee // abegg adventures on film

Uncle Jimmy, folks. I wrote about him a bit in my last post here, but these photos are from a few months later, when my best friend Samm Blake asked me to second shoot a wedding with her in Nashville, and I was like “yeehaw!” We ended up shooting the most ridiculous, quintessential Nashville wedding […]


uncle jimmy // sacramento, california // abegg adventures on film

Michael has a famous uncle named Uncle Jimmy. And I say “famous,” because every time I post a photo of him online, without fail, someone comments in the manner of, “You know THE Jimmy Abegg?!!!” He’s an artist who has raised his family in Nashville, a photographer, a painter, and a musician. I’d never met […]


women’s march // olympia, wa

“Nevertheless, she persisted.” I could use this blog to post about my own political views about the state of turmoil our nation is in, and our world, but I feel that is best left for the eloquently spoken. All I will say is that I’m less of a dweller and more of a doer, and admittedly […]

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