magofña family photos // seattle, washington

Many moons ago, I happened to walk into a restaurant on Capitol Hill, where a woman–beautiful & brown–came up to me and said, “I know you from instagram!” Which was hilarious and unexpected, but it turns out that my best friend Heather had photographed her wedding, and she had in turn found me via the things that Heather and I have mutually posted online over the years. Of course I immediately wanted to be her friend, because in my mind you just can’t go wrong in being friends with anyone genius enough to hire Heather… and the rest, as they say, is history.

I’ve watched Jen & Paolo kill it in the seattle food scene, I’ve seen them bring this beautiful child into this world with sass and style, and I’ve come to regard Jen as one of those people who I can text about anything, anytime. It felt full-circle when I went to photograph them with Ari, and even more so now that we’re friends. The strange thing is that Heather & Jon don’t live here anymore, and I just found out that the restaurant where I first met Jen has now closed… but we still have each other, and I’m so thankful for this weird world of being in each other’s business all the time that finally brought our worlds together.

Aloha & Mahalo, forever.


I have always enjoyed seeing these photos but I especially love them paired with your words! Oahu would be so much more amazing with you and Jen living here too. One of my all time most favorite couples ever J+P xoxo